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Custom Product Builder Software for your website

Unsure of how to effectively showcase your customizable products?

Are you looking to engage your customers and offer a great customer experience?

Or perhaps, you’re just looking to streamline the ordering process for custom products?

We know that customers can be very selective about what they want.

Give them the power to customize your product to exactly be what they want!  Having an interactive shopping experience can help increase website engagement and sales 10x.

But, how can you do that with your speciality products?

That’s where the Digital Hill customized product builder software comes in! 

Our team will build a product builder configurator right into your business website.

This software enables website users to interact with the products you offer and all the available options. They can change colors, swap features in and out, and add any customizable details while seeing it change on their screen.

This not only creates a streamlined buying process, but also reduces customer confusion, as they can see exactly what they are choosing to purchase.

Product Builder software acts as a personal sales assistant for every potential customer that visits your website. Increase your sales by empowering your customers and creating an unforgettable eCommerce experience.

The Digital Hill team have developed product builder software for numerous industries. We can create a complete system, that works with your product and industry needs. Our website software is adaptable, and will scale with your system and business as it grows. Additional add-on options include a lead generation tool and users accounts to save customized products.

Contact us today to discuss your product builder needs.  Fill out the form below!

Example of what is presented to the customer. Allows for choosing many different features to customize their purchase.

Product Builder software makes it easy to add options for customization for a product type.

Here are FIVE REASONS why product builder software is beneficial for your website.

1. Allows Customer Personalization

Product builder software lets customer customize their purchases. It is an online product configurator tool for users. When your products have several different options, the builder software lets your customers customize their purchase before buying. This enables them to find exactly what they’re looking for. Additionally, as they see what they are buying and customizing it in advance, you can reduce product returns.

Creating Product Builder Sets with our software is intuitive and straightforward.

See it in action:

Boat Builder Example

Kitchen Customizer Example

2. Longer Website Visits

You don’t want customers to click onto your website and then quickly leave. By having product builder software you can engage with your customers. The longer a customer is on your site the more likely they are to complete a purchase or buy additional items. By showcasing your products in a way they can customize, the power is in their hands to stay and explore further.

3. Build Customer Investment

One of the drawbacks of online shopping is that it’s much harder to engage with your customers. Without salespeople and physical items to pick up and touch, you have engage with your customers differently. Having a builder software allows you to do that. It is a convenient way for customers to see different colors, and features, right before their eyes! This engages them in the sales process and builds an investment in the product and your business. Additionally, when customers customize an item to fit their specific needs or wants, it adds a personal touch to the experience.

4. Creates a Faster Sale Cycle

Online sales already speed up the sales cycle compared to brick and mortar. This is because many customers love the convenience of purchasing from anywhere at anytime. By adding product builder software, you can help eliminate the consideration stage of the purchase process. As customers can see the changes and features they select on screen, they no longer need to worry about it being correct and can simply place the order.

5. Showcasing Products And Product Options

You can use your product builder software to showcase what you offer. Customers like having choices and knowing you have a variety of products can draw them to your website. You can also use product builder software to highlight your most popular items, latest deals, or fastest sellers. It is completely customizable to you and your business needs.

Setting up Product Rules is simple and adaptable.

The Website Product Customizer

So is our product builder software right for your business needs? 

If you sell customizable products, then our software can help streamline your ordering and sales process.

 Contact us today by filling out the form below to discuss custom product builder software for your website!

See it in action:

Boat Builder Example

Kitchen Customizer Example

Interested in seeing more?

Contact us for a Product Builder Product Demo!

We can show you specific modules and discuss your implementation needs.

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